Author: riadpost

30-second summary: Would you turn down an opportunity to acquire new customers without breaking the bank? Google Discover currently supports 800M users in exploration and is a great way to attract new audiences Joe Dawson covers the “why” and “how” in this comprehensive Google Discover optimization guide Even though spending on SEO plays such a major role in the online business sphere, most web admins spend their lives attempting to crack Google’s organic page ranking algorithms. As SEOs may or may not lose sleep over the latest updates, Google Discovery is surely a dreamy-eyed way to win more audiences. What…

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30-second summary: For B2B marketers, Instagram Stories may not seem the most obvious medium for content creation, but it can be a very effective one. B2B brands are able to generate 20x more engagement on Instagram compared to LinkedIn. Digital Marketing Strategist, Sumeet Anand details on six ways B2B marketers can use Instagram Stories for lead generation with examples from Salesforce, Oracle, Hubspot, Slack, and more. Instagram is the hottest new social media channel for B2B marketing. In fact, a study found that B2B brands are able to generate 20x more engagement on Instagram compared to LinkedIn. Sounds great, right? One…

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30-second summary: Marketing decisions should be backed by data about consumers, their behavior, and conversions. Marketing and namely social media analytics provide numerous categories to analyze, so it is easy to get lost. In the article, Aleh Barysevich defines major points for a social media marketer to analyze strategy success or failure. Important data points for analysis: profiles, target audience, competitors, and web traffic from social media. Social listening data provide even more data about the target audience. Knowledge is power — this saying is even more relevant in our age of information. Anyone who works in marketing holds this…

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30-second summary: Search equity allows for your average business owner to compete on the SERP without being impeded by a lack of SEO-knowledge A more equitable SERP is a necessity for Google from a business and overall web-health perspective Google is pushing for equity on the SERP to a far greater extent The democratization of the SERP represents an enormous paradigm shift that brings certain SEO skills to the fore What would happen if instead of having to jump through hoops to rank your new website, you were given a seat at the SERP straight away? Presumably, that would cause…

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30-second summary: Affiliate marketers can use Google Analytics to do the following – Google Event Tracking to monitor on-site engagements, Google Dashboards for analyzing user behavior, and build custom Audiences for improving audience retargeting. As an affiliate marketer, Google Analytics does not provide you with off-site tracking, so you can’t see what actions a person performs on a merchant site after leaving your website. With server-side tracking and Google Analytics, you can monitor an entire affiliate funnel through one platform. Advantages include the ability to create lookalike audiences based on people who made a purchase, run improved retargeting campaigns, and…

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30-second summary: Due to the rise of online shopping and the amount of time people spend on social media, social media impacts consumer buying decisions. Consumers who are influenced by social media are four times more likely to spend more on purchases. There are four ways in which social media has a direct influence on purchase decisions. Social media and online shopping shortened the customer journey. Social media amplified the impact of social proof or word-of-mouth. Social media influencer marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your audience. Stories and ephemeral content are a new way to…

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30-second summary: Starcom’s Owned Strategy Director Jack Telford argues that it’s easy to become over-reliant on Search Volume data when building SEO strategies. An approach that combines such information with the bounty of qualitative data that’s available around “low to no volume terms” can illuminate a host of new opportunities. Jack shares a few tricks and recommendations for getting started with a more qualitative keyword research approach. Analyzing search volume figures from tools like Google Keyword Planner is a core element of keyword research. These numbers help us filter down our seed list, show trends in the wording people use…

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30-second summary: Social media can provide a personal avenue for starting a connection. Keeping connections on social media and emails consistent allows for a solid flow through the construction of a relationship. Compliments and details are valuable if used in the correct context in conjunction with a relevant pitch. Media Relations Lead Nicole Franco shares personalization tips and tricks on sending both professional and personalized media pitches. Marketers who strive to build backlinks and brand awareness often engage in digital PR. But creating amazing content and then pitching that content to writers is not an easy earned media strategy. The…

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30-second summary: The PPC world is ever-changing. Today’s trends may not be in the picture tomorrow People will start focusing more on the buyer’s journey and use it to its full potential Automation and AI will be a key trend in 2021 Many things have turned topsy-turvy after witnessing a year full of unprecedented situations and multiple coronavirus-induced lockdowns. Companies are shifting to a remote-first culture, people prefer shopping online than going to a retail store, and in-person conversations have turned to video conversations. A lot has changed in the last year, even on the advertising and marketing turf. Marketers…

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30-second summary: Data storytelling is the process of combining graphics and narratives to help audiences understand complex data There are eight types of graphs and charts that marketers can use to tell data stories This guide will help you understand why data storytelling is important and what best practices you should follow We’re seeing the growing importance of storytelling with data in 2021—primarily because of the amount of data being shared with audiences over the past year. But data needs to make sense to people if it’s to lead to better engagement and increased conversions. That’s where visualization comes in.…

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