Author: riadpost

30-second summary: Confused users don’t spend money Your search marketing needs to thread in your brand’s messaging, targeting, design, and overall experience to ensure trust, clarity, and eventual sales SEO pioneer, serial entrepreneur, and best selling author, Kris Jones helps you weave a tight SEO and search marketing strategy before 2022 ushers in If you spend enough time in the digital marketing space, even if you focus on just one area of ​​it, you’ll eventually catch wind of the intersection of SEO, paid media, web design, and link building. There’s no avoiding it since all these areas run together to…

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30-second summary: Most marketers diversify their content programs too quickly, ending the program from the start Successful content marketers and media companies focus on fewer platform channels Instead of adding more channels, killing off underperforming channels works better Perform a content audit to find out channels in which you should stop creating content The problem is, simply put, out of control. Just because a company or individual can create and distribute content on a platform, doesn’t mean they should. But it’s happening… and it’s killing content marketing strategies around the globe. I’ve had the opportunity to analyze content marketing strategies…

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30-second summary: SEO is vastly underutilized in the content creation industry How can internet marketing lead to success in esports and gaming? Anthony DiMoro discusses the innovation needed during the content, gaming, and web3 boom Despite a strong track record and success model within the digital marketing world, for multiple decades, SEO still finds itself almost entirely abandoned in the new age markets of content creation, esports, gaming, and web3 related properties. But, why is that? Why would businesses, brands, and creators operating in these spaces, reliant on success in a digital marketplace completely ignore SEO? Let’s explore why, and…

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30-second summary: To ensure organic visibility for your seasonal pages, start creating, optimizing, and analyzing them now Start creating, organizing, and scheduling seasonal content assets now for a head start when it’s time to start focusing on driving sales Evaluate your past seasonal content performance to be able to recycle, update, and possibly even expand them into standalone projects Research your competitive tactics to evaluate how they utilize seasonality in their digital marketing strategy Create a detailed editorial calendar to plan out all assignments and deadlines to “catch” the rising interest in seasonal content and deals Summer is a slow…

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30-second summary: There are many factors that affect your AdSense performance right from content quality, ad placements, media selection, and so on High traffic doesn’t directly indicate high earnings, in fact, some of your practices may be equivalent to handing out money to your competition Here are six informed steps to help you earn more from AdSense Throughout this guide, you’ll learn how to increase your Google AdSense earnings by making some very simple changes and by following a few simple tips. In my personal experience, this can help skyrocket your AdSense CPC and results can increase your AdSense earnings…

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30-second summary: Every pin has the potential to be discovered by thousands of users creating a chain reaction of activity. Google loves Pinterest and places its pages on the top positions, including SERP features and Google Image search. Linking your Pinterest account and website together is an important step towards better SEO performance. Using the Pinterest Analytics dashboard will help you understand your performance. Research your niche keywords to optimize pins and boards for the relevant key phrases. Follow other related accounts and optimize your publication time to improve engagement. Pinterest has recently become the third-largest social network in the…

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30-second summary: The pandemic has caused major shifts in the way that advertisers operate, making it more critical than ever to be able to prove ROI and make every ad dollar count The inability to track reach and frequency is one of the biggest problems with cross-platform ad measurement that marketers face As marketers enter the new year, they will need to have measurement solutions in place that account for cross-channel, cookieless, privacy, and walled gardens Early adopters of cross-channel measurement, truly cookieless solutions, privacy, and consumer-centric policies, and data collaboration will gain insights needed to ensure future success Marketers…

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30-second summary: Keyword research is at the heart of understanding where your business stands and what your end-users expect Surveying or monitoring your analytics is a great way of listening to your customers or readers for effective content ideas Seasonality is a great way to find fresh content ideas by finding angles where your primary topic overlaps with seasonal interests Collaborate and meet real people – use every opportunity (events, meetups, live sessions) to talk to people and listen to what they’d be interested in consuming Use “question research” to understand the existing information gaps in the market Re-package your…

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30-second summary: Automation is a hot topic within digital marketing, and Google has more options than ever before for search practitioners to utilize However, there’s still a level of discomfort with handing the keys to the kingdom over As a long-time skeptic myself, I make the argument for automating core components of search campaigns and share the areas where marketers should instead focus their energy and attention for success in 2022 “Automation” it’s a word of constant focus for search marketers these days – and rightly so. There are more components to search than ever before, and automation is a…

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30-second summary: Very few SMBs use multiple channels for their online advertising Facebook is the most effective channel based on the cost for CPM and CPC It’s important to remember that every business is unique when it comes to deciding on budget allocation For any business in the software as a service (SaaS) space, data analysis and science are crucial to ensure they keep pushing ahead to reveal those insights that can really make a difference. With this in mind, the Cambridge MBA team looked to leverage Adzooma’s extensive data to identify new ways for SMBs to maximize their ad…

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