Today we will share with you our top five growth hacking strategies that helped me reach this milestone. Keep reading.
So let’s start with number one. We start implementing this strategy this year and had a significant impact on the number of visitors and our website growing. So what is this strategy? It is to push and make people share your content. In other words we call this viral share growth.
But how to implement if you go to our website you will see we added the points system here on eight super tours. We added the points system here. You can see what is the point system. It’s simply allowing people to collect points when they consume and engage in your website. And what’s more important they earn points when they share the content.
If you go to our blog and open any article or post you will see, share this post, help others and earn points. Whenever they share the post they will earn points. And even though we didn’t announce yet how they will withdraw these points, we noticed a significant impact. A lot of people are sharing, a lot of people are collecting points and this worked perfectly. Believe us people when they collect something on a website in some way it will give them that positive vibe that dopamine pulse.

Of course we are not saying here to lie to people. No implement a points system and they can benefit from in our case you see here we added a full page explaining what are the points, what are our goals, how they will use them later and so on. Like maybe they can withdraw with crypto, with cash, buy products, gift cards, free courses and so on. So be transparent and be honest and implement the point system or make people collect something on your website. How to implement if you are on WordPress you can simply use a plugin called our Credit.
It’s super easy to implement. It has a lot of options and add ons you can use directly on your WordPress website. If you have a custom website like in our case which is a website we develop, we need to do this manually or hire a developer to do this for you. Strategy number two is running competitions and giveaways and combining it with strategy. No one which is viral growth.
Now let’s see here. we are using a service called Gleam. Io which allows you to run competitions and giveaways and a lot of things. If you go ahead and create a new competition, start from scratch and go here to how to enter. You will see they have something called viral Share.
So when someone joins the giveaway or the competition and shares the giveaway they will earn more entries so they have higher chance to win the giveaway. So people will start sharing this giveaway or this competition and they will refer other people to your website, to your competition. Here we are using Gleam. You can also use another plugin called Raffle Press. If you’re using WordPress, you can pay only once or once per year.
It’s a lot cheaper and they have the Viral also template. You can use it if you want viral sharing, prefer a friend. It works perfectly. Let’s go back here and make sure always when you run a competition to embed it inside your website. So you get traffic to your website here in the code installed.
What we do is we copy the landing page, we copy this code, we go to our website, We create a page, all pages. Just to show you this example. It’s important to get the traffic to your website. Let’s go here, give away or something like this one. Let’s review it.
You will see right now we are running a giveaway for a free premium WordPress hosting. You can see here, it’s on our website, hosted inside our website. And here we have the shortest giveaway with your friends to earn more. Five entries. This is what we call viral giveaway sharing and combining giveaway synergy with number one which is viral share growth.
And we think a couple of months ago we published a video here on our channel showing you how we got the majority of our Instagram followers with one giveaway. Giveaways are very important for viral growth strategy. Number three, providing valuable resources and tools. Look what we did on our website. I provide valuable free ebooks and soon we have a new collection.
So stay tuned. we also provide this free tool, the super email validator. You can validate emails totally for free. We have the free SEO checklist. It’s a checklist on notion you can get to help people rank their website.
We have eight super tools, a lot of free tools here, valuable tools that really helps people. We have this tool, the fast domain. People can search for domain names and this is a great example, the SEO Analyzer. What we did here is we bought a script from God Canyon. This script here, we hosted it totally for free today.
You can see this script reached 2000 views per month in February. Believe me, we didn’t promote this ever. Do you know how this tool got this amount of traffic? I found people YouTubers are talking about it on their YouTube channels. It’s a free resource anyone can use.
So when someone finds it they will definitely share with other people. It’s free and it will help others. We found a lot of people talking about it on their websites, on their channels, on their blogs. It grew in a couple of months automatically without me doing anything. So providing valuable tools, resources, anything valuable and for free.
You would see people in a couple of months will start sharing it because it helps them. They will share with their friends, with others, and so on. Penalty number four is to build a community. Now, to be honest with you, this requires some hard work and time, but it’s one of the best methods to build a solid audience that you can always share content with and get traffic from. In our case, we build a community and even we are trying to turn our whole website into a community for digital marketers and people working online.

You can see the forum we dedicate every single day, 1 hour to reply to questions on the forum, on our Telegram group, to interact with our audience. And if you are following you know this. We almost answer every single question on Telegram and on the forum. And this helped me to build a forum with more than 40,000 members. We have today 800 posts.
Think about SEO. Also, this forum can rank on Google. People are asking and I’m answering. People are engaging together and these questions and answers rank on Google. So it would help you get also free organic traffic from Google.
You can also build a Telegram group as I did create a Telegram group, interact with people, engage with them, help them in your niche and you will see how this will help you get traffic always. You can see on our Telegram, I have more than 3000 subscribers in that group. In the private group, we have 3000 members. If you want to join us, chat together, go now and join. As I mentioned, this requires a lot of work.
This requires some dedication. You need to give time every day to engage with your audience. But in the long term, it’s a great strategy for growing your website and building your audience. You can also use anything you want. In our case, I use our forum on the website and our Telegram group strategy number five, which I believe is one of the most important strategies which is constant repurposing or constant syndication.
The idea is simple. You create one piece of content and distribute on different platforms. Let’s give a simple example. Here’s a post I published on our website five digital marketing skills that you will wow your clients with in 2022. There’s a post on our blog on our main website.
If you go to, to our Medium blog, you will see the same blog post. But this time it’s somehow summarized in a shorter way. And inside this blog I refer back to our website. We have here links to our website and to our other services and the same piece of content I turned into a YouTube video. You can see this YouTube video here.
So I published on YouTube, on Medium, on our website. Even though I create sometimes Instagram slides based on these content pieces I share on Tumblr, on Twitter, on all our social network. In this way, you spread the same piece of content on all platforms this is what I call the traffic explosion method. If you want to learn more about it and see how how I implemented in detail, you can check out this video here to explore your website on the internet. See you later.