Today we will share with you our secret new project that will help you get free traffic from Google with the power of machine learning. Believe me, this article will change the way you think about getting traffic traffic from Google or any other search engine. Not only that, in this article you can earn up to $300 cash. How? Keep reading.
Let’s at the beginning talk about the traditional method to rank on Google and get traffic from Google. Seo Search Engine Optimization we have a lot of articles and courses here on our blog. We believe you are following you know what is SEO? It’s simply doing keyword research on page optimization, off page optimization, link building, comparative analysis, using a lot of tools, page tools like Ahris or SEMrush, a lot of time and effort. Then you may rank on Google and get traffic from Google.

What if we tell you now we can automate up to 80% of this process with machine learning, with AI, with artificial intelligence and help you guarantee that you are following the best practices to rank on top of Google. That’s exactly what our new project is about. Let’s take a look here. We are inside our VPs server that we bought one month ago to run such big projects. If you go into the system settings, you will see this VPs server has more than 60GB of Ram and 16 core processor.
So We developed this tool, which is the base or the core of our full project. By the way, we are using C sharp here. Anyway, if you’re on this tool, let’s run it. This tool has mainly two functionalities. It can import keywords from text files and fetch or save inside MySQL server database.
And the second important task is fetching Google search results. Let’s take a look. if you open our database server here, you will see now we are collecting a lot of data, a lot of search results from Google with a lot of factors and numbers backlinks. Da, Dr search ranks, keyword length, all these details I’m collecting it. Why?
Simply because after we built this data set, we will build a machine learning model, an AI model that can simply take a keyword and tell you the best combination to rank on Google. The best title, the best description, the best link, the best length. What are your competitors? What to do exactly? It will save you a lot of time and money and totally for free and will be available on eight super tools.